I spent last week in Las Vegas at Interop and thought I’d share my experience with you. Attendance was definitely down this year, but exhibitor attendance was about the same and booth extravagance seemed to be at an all time high. The exhibitor floor was much smaller and orange seemed to be the color of choice. However, it was easier to spend quality time with attendees that stopped by the booth. I had many great conversations with folks about their network management challenges and the need for enhanced visualization, alarm and bandwidth management and the benefits of all-in-one tools. The conference sessions were worth attending and covered the hottest topics including cloud computing, virtualization, green IT, SOA and web 2.0. I was tweeting live from some of the conference sessions – take a look at the trail of tweets, if you’re interested in some details about each session. All-in-all it was a great trip – got some good leads from the show and came home without losing too much face at the blackjack table.