Friday, March 12, 2010

The iPad – The Network Manager’s Friend or Foe?

So I’ve heard all the buzz about the iPad - pretty much impossible to avoid unless you live in a cave. Other than the unfortunate name, I’m intrigued by the technology and its potential to make managing a network a bit easier. I haven’t bought one yet, since I’m still determining, if it’s a network manager’s friend or foe at the moment.

On the plus side, from what I’ve read due to its size, it is much better than carrying around a larger laptop to monitor, troubleshoot or configure network devices. You could easily load ebooks to help you with troubleshooting in real-time. It definitely beats heading over to the office desk to grab a book for reference.

On the negative side, the iPad could easily become a security concern on the wireless network without antivirus and firewall protection. Connecting a device that is geared for personal use into the network could have some serious consequences. The usefulness of the iPad will also be dependent on the applications that are developed to help monitor the network.

Sounds like there is still some development work to be done from a security standpoint before the iPad is ready for prime time for network managers. That being said, as the technology matures and security concerns are resolved it could become a very helpful tool. Are you using the iPad? What do you think?


  1. We are struggling with the vary same thin on the foe side of things... We already have quite a few problems with people hooking up random Iphones to our Enterprise wireless, we're starting to become of the position that we will need to keep the WPA2 key to ourselves on our guest network even due to some of the usage. I don't see them as a great network configuration device unless they have a magic serial dongle for console connectivity into various network devices... Monitoring maybe... Configuration I'm not so sure about.

  2. Yes - most of the time its a headache. more requests for wireless access and not for any real business driven purpose. Seems like they are used for personal surfing during boring meetings...

    Seems like the iPad might be an ideal appliance for keeping in the telco room with your favorite monitoring tool running?
